Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lose Belly Fat Faster With These 4 Herbs & Spices

In this article I would like to talk about 4 powerful spices and herbs that you should add to your diet to help lose belly fat faster.


To lose weight, lose belly fat, gain lean muscle, and improve your overall health, it is obviously very important to make sure you are getting plenty of water daily, plenty of sleep every night, exercising (cardio + weight training), eat several small meals daily, and eat the proper foods. The proper foods in general categories would be fiber, complex carbohydrates, fruits & veggies, protein, and healthy fats. However, to amp up those foods for an even more powerful belly fat burning effect, you should add these 4 herbs and spices a long with some of your foods.

Here are the 4 herbs & spices in no particular order:

1. Ginger: Causes your tissues to use more energy thus burning more calories. Ginger is also good for improving joint functionality, controlling cholesterol, and several other health conditions.

2. Cinnamon: Mm mm! I do not eat one bowl of oatmeal without adding cinnamon! Studies have shown that cinnamon has a positive effect on your blood sugar level. It also is a great source of fiber and calcium which are highly important in your efforts to lose weight and build muscle. Here is a little tip. Now this may take some getting used to, but, to substitute sugar in your coffee, try adding one teaspoon of cinnamon instead. Your coffee may not have that sweet flavor you were used to, however, cinnamon will remove the bitter taste of plain coffee and you are reducing your sugar intake.

3. Cayenne Pepper: I love cayenne pepper on grilled chicken! Studies have indicated that cayenne pepper (also known as chili pepper, red pepper, or paprika) has the ability to boost your metabolism to burn off fat. It is also proven that cayenne pepper can also help in reducing your appetite. It is recommended to get about 20-30 grams a day for maximum benefits.

4. Ginseng: A powerful substance that can increase energy, boost your metabolism, increase strength, and increase endurance. This substance is highly recommended for people who are overweight and suffer from excessive water weight. Ginseng can also be used as a remedy for several other health conditions such as high blood pressure and so much more.

Add those spices to your current health foods and experience an extra boost in how quickly you can lose belly fat, lose weight, and improve your complete overall health!

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

My Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

When it comes to exercises to lose belly fat you definitely do not want to focus on doing situps and crunches all day long because you'll end up wasting your time. Many people automatically assume that spot reduction in fat is not possible but that is not entirely true because there are statistical differences when you focus on working one area on your body. The only problem is that this statistical difference is very small and will literally take you years to develop any kind of results that you want. The secret to burning fat is to be doing exercises that are going to increase your heart rate while also using multiple muscle groups which will elevate your metabolism thus burning more fat. Many people waste their time by jogging on a treadmill and doing situps all day but the truth is there are many different exercises they should be doing to lose belly fat fast.

Lose Belly Fat

The first step in discovering the best exercise to lose belly fat are finding ones that use multiple muscle groups in compound movements such as deadlifts, squats and mountain climbers. The trade-off that these type of exercises is that it's going to be much more difficult than doing situps or crunches so having a higher intensity is necessary. Circuit training is going to be another highly effective method of burning fat and is recommended that you do each exercise for at least 40 seconds at a time with minimum amount of rest time in between exercises. Also on the exercises that involve all weighted resistance you should also choose a weight that is very challenging and doesn't cause you to lose form. Most people believe that lifting light weights for higher repetitions is the key to losing fat but the truth is they'll see minimal results from doing that type of training.

Another highly effective exercise to lose stomach fat is high intensity interval training and these type of workouts involve sprinting for a set period of time and then resting before repeating the cycle. Studies have found this training method to be nine times more effective than the traditional steady-state cardio exercise so this is a total no-brainer when it comes to working out for fat loss. You can also finish your workouts much faster than you would jogging as most of these high intensity interval training sessions only need to be 20 min. long. But you don't have to do sprints per se as you can also do other forms of cardiovascular exercise such as swimming, spinning and stair climbing.

After you finish doing your resistance training and high intensity interval training workouts then he can focus on doing abdominal focused exercises. There's no doubt that doing situps and crunches will help build lean muscle in your stomach but to see this definition you're going to have to first eliminate the layer fat that rests on top of it. The training methods explained above are the most highly effective workouts to lose belly fat but also make sure they are eating with proper nutrition because it will be very very difficult to lose weight if you're constantly eating with bad habits. I hope you discovered some great exercises to lose belly fat in this article and that you implement them into your next workout by starting off slow while gradually progressing as you get better.

Article Source:

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Importance of Exercise for a Fit and Healthy Body

Nobody can deny that exercise is beneficial to one's well-being and crucial to good health. Why then do so many people not engage in exercise actively? Why is exercise at the back of their mind instead of being a highlight of their daily routine?

Fit and Healthy

The answer is that most people think that exercise provides benefits. They seem to think that exercise is just something extra in life. Failing to realise that it is extremely important they assume that they will work out if they have time.

The importance of exercise will be stated below and it will be evident that anyone not exercising or staying fit is doing a disservice to their body.

Regular exercise helps to keep your weight under control. Obesity is a very unhealthy trend that is on the rise. Regular exercise will prevent obesity and all the other health problems that are associated with it such as high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pains, etc.

Your moods will be better with regular exercise. We live in a hectic world full of demands and problems. It is easy to slip into depression or be in a bad mood perpetually. Exercise will stimulate chemicals in the brain that make you feel happy. A toned and fit body will also be something that you can be proud of.

You can't get a better energy booster than exercise. People often complain about being completely drained and lacking energy. When you work out regularly, your body will be stronger and the daily activities will not be so tiring. Plus, you will have more energy by working out.

Exercise makes you sleep better. It's really common to hear people saying that they're not sleeping well or suffering from insomnia. A real easy cure for insomnia is exercise. When you work out intensely, your body will be screaming for rest. Once your head hits the pillow, you will find yourself sleeping fast and peacefully. You will wake up feeling refreshed and well rested.

Your sex life will improve. Better moods, a better self-image, more energy and endorphins released by the brain will make you desire sex more frequently and you will enjoy your bedroom romps thoroughly.

Women who exercise often experienced enhanced arousal and men who work out regularly are less prone to erectile dysfunction.

Exercise also reduces your cholesterol level, stabilises blood pressure, keeps your body's insulin levels stable, relieves the stress on your heart, makes muscles stronger and prevents the body from developing blood clots easily. This point alone should be enough to compel anyone to make exercise a daily part of their life.

Women who exercise have healthier pregnancies too. A woman with strong back and pelvic muscles will have less aches and pains when she's pregnant. Even women who are not pregnant claim to have less menstrual cramps and back aches during their periods.

Exercise has anti-ageing benefits too. There is increased blood flow to the brain and the risks of a stroke are greatly diminished. The central nervous system will not degenerate fast and your coordination will not be impaired due to age.

There are many more benefits from exercise. Too many to list in a single article. However, the importance of exercise can be clearly seen from the points mentioned above. Making exercise a part of your daily routine will definitely be a wise move.

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